You can either have a single Active Directory domain for WorkSpaces, or multiples.
On initial setup, and by default, you will have one domain. You can enable multiple domains by enabling the feature below in Additional Options.
There is a button to perform an exhaustive test of all domains’ AD accounts.
You will then add the details for your domain.
AD Service Account and password:
When creating the AD Service Account to support AWS WorkSpaces you will have already provided an account with permissions to create computer objects within AD to the OU specified at the time.
We recommend using the same service account and providing additional permissions to delete computer objects.
NetBIOS name:
NetBIOS name of the domain that your WorkSpaces will be joining.
Fully Qualified Domain Name of the domain that your WorkSpaces will be joining.
Default User OU:
If you create a user in the ‘Add User’ section of the Portal, this is where it will place
that user. If you use the ‘Import Template’ then you can specify where you want the
user(s) to be located per OU or by copying template users.
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